Male handsomeness and female beauty
are good gifts from God. The scripture is unashamed to speak of men who had
attractive physical appearance and women who had beautiful faces and get these beautiful
bodies. Now, I am regularly asked if it is important for a Christian man or
woman to be physically attracted to the person they are dating. As I’ve asked
this question in the past, I have found that counsel usually comes in one of two
basic answers. One answer is that no physical attraction isn’t important
and shouldn’t be part of one’s initial consideration; rather, a person’s godly
character should be the primary factor, physical attraction is important and
should also be part of the equation.
while I agree more with the second of the two, neither of the typical answers to
this question go deep enough to provide sufficiently biblical counsel. In order
to fully answer this question, we must consider physical attraction from both a
male and female perspective, while also considering why physical attraction may
lacking in either case. Can a man have physical attraction? It seems to go
without saying that men are initially drawn to a woman based on whether he
finds her physical beauty but that doesn’t negate the fact that physical
attraction may be, and often is, the initial cause of interest. And let’s be
clear; there is nothing necessarily unspiritual about that. I have observed situations, however, where
godly, well-intentioned, and otherwise wise men have counseled single
brothers to not let the lack of physical attraction keep them from pursuing a
godly woman. While I respect the effort of these men to uphold a woman's character
as the supreme consideration, I believe their counsel to the degree that they
merely instructed the young men to go ahead with the relationship without sensing
any physical attraction was superficial and ultimately unhelpful.
Rarely does
anyone ask the question of why physical attraction is not present in such cases?
Yet it is this question that if asked carefully and compassionately, has the power
to unearth sin and wrong thinking and serve to nurture physical attraction in
the heart. Some years ago, I ask my dad that do he believe I should be physically
attracted to my girlfriend? Then he answers me Yes! In fact, I think there
should be more men in the church who are attracted to more women than is
presently the case! But I believe there are numerous reasons why it is often
lacking in men. I ask this question some time ago can men be prideful
regarding the kind of women they think they deserve? Now, if we think highly of ourselves and the
kind of women we deserve, then we will be disabled from beholding and appreciating
the beauty of the women around us. Pride blinds the eyes and skews the
judgment even in the area of romance. When it comes to relationships, proud
men will pass by worthy women because they have become convinced, they deserve
a certain kind of woman: a particular body shape, hair, color, background, or
ethnicity. But when we have a clear view of what we truly deserve an eternity
enduring God’s righteous judgment against our sin that simple, godly girl we
have known for the past couple of years begins to appear very attractive,
almost irresistible. A man should be attracted to the woman he is pursuing, but
pride will often keep many a man from appreciating the beauty of the woman
already in his midst.
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